Franklin Square Song Collection - online songbook

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Progress.—Granting the need of more general musical culture, if we as a nation would not only be­come capable of appreciating the highest expression of art, but would cherish the hope of one day giving birth to the true artist, child of his times and his people, how shall we best secure that training and that broad gen­eral culture characteristic of the universal art above all others? In primary and grammar schools this is be­gun ; in the high and normal schools in the large cities this training progresses as far and as rapidly as could be reasonably expected. It embraces to a limited ex-
tent the theory of music, the rudiments of harmony, and more or less proficiency in sight singing and training as chorus or part singers, rarely as soloists. With in­strumental music no acquaintance is attempted as yet, but the fields are ready for sowing. Under judicious leadership, such as our large cities are able to command, thousands of boys and girls are familiarized with good music, and have taken part in the grand choruses which "sing straight up to heaven." Mendelssohn, Mozart, Handel, and Haydn have become as household words. The best of the light modern music, adapted for their
French Air.
use, is given for their profit and enjoyment, making ible such programmes as those afforded by our an­nual school festivals, when twelve or fifteen hundred fresh, pure voices make such music as we dream of when we think of "the voice of harpers harping with their harps, and they sung as it were a new song before the throne." With many, because of other interests and occupations, special musical instruction ends here, but not the far-reaching result. The glees and four-part songs, so skillfully and thoroughly learned at school, are as sweet within the walls of the humblest
home, in the woodland ramble, when the rare holiday comes, or in the workshop. The purest and simplest form of musical enjoyment is thus made possible, with all harmonious requirements, where even four are found with one heart and mind, with music in their souls, though not a single musical instrument should offer its sustaining accompaniment. When the genius of song crowns the gospel of work, there will be fewer strikes; grimy faces will be less haggard; under the unconscious influence of beauty, harmony, and rhythm, labor will be more cheerfully, more faithfully performed—Gray.